Julia said:

> Which ones are the second and third?

MacLeod's books fall into two series, which inhabit different future

The first series are the Fall Revolution books (also known as the
Norlonto books and probably by some other collective titles). These are
_The Star Fraction_, _The Stone Canal_, _The Cassini Division_ and _The
Sky Road_. (This series has a built-in alternative history, with that
last volume occupying a different timeline. It's not totally obviously
from reading it that this is the case and some people have tried to fit
it into the timeline of the other books, but MacLeod himself has
confirmed [both in interviews and in private conversation with me at a
signing] that it's not possible and that there's a definite branch

The second series are the Engines of Light books. These are _Cosmonaut
Keep_, _Dark Light_ and _Engine City_. I've only read the first of
these, but have copies of the second and third in my pile of unread
books and I'll get to them as soon as I've finished _Redemption Ark_
and Alexander's _Notes on the Synthesis of Form_.

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