----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary L. Nunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Brin Mail List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Brooklyn Dad Facing Jail for Shooting Intruder

> My opinion:  I am a bit torn on this one. I am absolutely in favor or
> self defense, especially in the home, but he did have an unlicensed gun
> in New York. But I am annoyed that the burglar was let go on probation
> (the first time) and now the dad is facing jail time for self defense.
> Hmmmm.

Hynes appears to be an authoritarian idiot. He does not seem to understand
the concept of flexibility in the law or to understand that the law is
intended to protect persons and property.

To me, this isn't even a gun control issue. Its more of a registration law
issue. You are also required to register your motor vehicle, but the
disparity between the penalties is unthinkable. (A fine vs. jail time)

Are prosecutors elected in Brooklyn? This guy Hynes sounds like he needs a
new job.....maybe in the recycling business.

Ever Increasing List Of Idiocy Maru

smart patrol
nowhere to go
suburban robots that monitor reality
common stock
we work around the clock
we shove the poles in the holes


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