Robert Seeberger wrote:

Unless Brooklyn has somehow migrated to the UK, your point lacks something
by the way of relevence. Most places in the US dont have the type of gun
registration cited. Without more information it is difficult to say if there
might have been an honest mistake made in regards to gun registration in

In any case, using a law that was designed to fight gangbangers and violent
criminals against a law abiding citizen who was protecting his family. Its a
simple matter of not turning the average citizen into an automatic victim.

I agree. Fine him $100 and close the books.

The real problem here is the cop that investigated the crime. What should have happened:

Cop: Is the gun registered?

Homeowner: No sir.

Cop: Oh so you wrestled the gun away from the intruder and then shot him!

Homeowner: No sir, it's my gun.

Cop: Oh so you wrestled the gun away from the intruder and then shot him! (nodding head vigorously)

Homeowner: Ohhhhhh (light bulb appearing over his head), yes sir, I shot the intruder with his own gun.

Cop: I thought so.


ROU Extenuating Circumstances


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