From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If I have to choose between coding COBOL and coding RPG, I would much rather go for COBOL. I feel I can exercise a lot more control with a computer programming language that uses instructions that resemble natural language.

RPG is not really a programming language as such. As its name--Report Program Generator--says, it's designed to do one thing: create programs inside the computer to generate reports of the type businesses seem to live on. COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) was designed to be a full programming language for business applications (though for non-business applications it may not be all that great).

-- Ronn! :)

I hate to digress, but RPG is openly defined as a programming language. The fact that it has all the tools used for generating reports as its' primary application doesn't deny the fact that it has all the logical and control structures embedded in a programming language.

Who sweated his way thru RPG as one of the core curriculum courses of his CS major..

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