Julia Thompson wrote:

My opinion:

I'd say that spoiler space would be polite for 2 years after the last region
of the globe got access to the paperback.  Anyone who hasn't gotten their
mitts on a paperback in 2 years can just avoid the post, assuming the
subject accurately reflects the contents of the post.  >:)  (I.e., if you
had the opportunity to get the paperback 2 years ago and you still don't
have it, I'm personally not going to have much sympathy for anyone whining
about spoilers.)

So, that means that _Kiln People_ really ought to have spoiler space for
awhile yet, and _Startide Rising_ really, really ought not need it, IMO.

(This is my personal opinion, and in no way should be construed to reflect
the opinion of anyone else unless they explicitly agree with me.)

I agree, except.... I just finished Use of Weapons and if anyone had spilled the ending of that one without spoiler space it would have, well, spoiled it quite a bit. I think that there is a degree to which certain spoilers should have warnings no matter how old they are, the end of UoW being a case in point.

Oh, and by the way it was an excellent read. I didn't find it as dark as some had made it sound, but it definitely portrayed the Culture in a somewhat different light.


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