Doug Pensinger wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >My opinion:
> >
> >I'd say that spoiler space would be polite for 2 years after the last region
> >of the globe got access to the paperback.  Anyone who hasn't gotten their
> >mitts on a paperback in 2 years can just avoid the post, assuming the
> >subject accurately reflects the contents of the post.  >:)  (I.e., if you
> >had the opportunity to get the paperback 2 years ago and you still don't
> >have it, I'm personally not going to have much sympathy for anyone whining
> >about spoilers.)
> >
> >So, that means that _Kiln People_ really ought to have spoiler space for
> >awhile yet, and _Startide Rising_ really, really ought not need it, IMO.
> >
> >(This is my personal opinion, and in no way should be construed to reflect
> >the opinion of anyone else unless they explicitly agree with me.)
> >
> I agree, except.... I just finished Use of Weapons and if anyone had
> spilled the ending of that one without spoiler space it would have,
> well, spoiled it quite a bit.  I think that there is a degree to which
> certain spoilers should have warnings no matter how old they are, the
> end of UoW being a case in point.

I was thinking more in terms of books by Brin, which were the only ones
mentioned in the post I was responding to.

I'd prefer spoiler warnings for UoW, myself, as I haven't read that yet.  :)

If I'm posting about books by other authors, I try not to include any
spoilers anyway; I prefer to tantalize and see if I can get a couple of
other people to read the book for themselves.  :)


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