On 16 Mar 2003 at 18:10, Han Tacoma wrote:

> On Sunday, March 16, 2003 8:10 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

> I realize that Rabbi Schorsch's views are his. While you don't
> indicate what you mean by "proportion" (i.e. a percentage), it seems
> to me that you are using the word as an implication -- that it is a
> minority -- to justify your opinion that one should not read a stance.
> While holding the posistion he does, I would hardly see him offering a
> view that would contradict the feelings of the majority of that branch
> of conservatives, and therefore I accept his statement as
> representative of that branch.

Understand that conservative Judaism is not especially internally 
coherent in it's views (and while I would describe myself to Americas 
as conservative) is is not precisely a large organisation even among 
American Jews.

The word "conservative" is somewhat of a misnomer, really. We 
essentially believe much as the ortherdox do, but we go back to the 
source (the bible) for rabinical interpretations rather than re-
interpret allready old rulings. And we're more interested in the 
spirit rather than the letter. That's not how all 
Conservative/Masorti would put it either.

Dawn Falcon


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