Halupovich Ilana wrote:
I wrote
<< When you start working for government in *any* way, you sign
no-disclosure (sp) forms. You know the punishment.
He is in solitary confinement. Not different from what any other spy

Sonja asked
<<And that makes it OK?>>

I see. You do not punish criminals in your country.

Jeroen wrote
<<Personal comment>
A six by nine foot cell. My *bedroom* is bigger than that. My
mother-in-law's *bathroom* is bigger than that. And both have a window.
</Personal comment>>>

I wrote
<<Last time I looked - you were not jailed criminal. Has it changed?>>

Sonja wrote
<<Maybe you didn't get what Jeroen was trying to say with that comment.
I believe that he expressed his astonishment about the conditions Vanunu
is held in, by comparing them to real existing conditions in our direct

May be you did not get what I was trying to say. Vaanunu broke
intentionally broke the law. he knew what his punishment will be saw he
fled (sp) Israel. He was captured and brought back to stand trial and to
get punished.

Sonja wrote
<<Having a living space consisting of a room the size of less then a
bathroom without any access to the rest of the world (no personal
contact, not even a window) for several years must be hell on anyone.
Furthermore the fact that this is done with the sole purpose of
deterring others from speaking freely is abominable. I do feel it to be
a very inhuman and unjust treatment.>>

Again - he is criminal that got jailed for his crime according to law.
If anybody else will brake the same law he will get the same punishment.

<< The fact that you, Ilana, agree and even seem to uncritically defend
this kind of treatment of a fellow human being does in my view not
reflect very favorable on you as a person.>>

I think I wrote several times - I am Randist. And as such I don't
believe that any bi-pedal and feather-less creature is automatically
qualify (sp) as human being. Vaanunu is not "fellow human being" to me.
Is Igal Amir or, let's say Eichman or Mengale "fellow human being" to

<<It is however a bit puzzling that you should feel this way since you
are someone who has been living under a regime that used exactly the
same way of deterrent and repression of free speech, religion and
aberrant thought before you came to Israel.>>

Which seams to give me ability to see the difference between how and why
Ida Nudel was treated and how and why Vaanunu is treated. Ability that
you seams to luck.

Jeroen wrote
<<"Vanunu told the world that Israel had developed between one hundred
and two hundred atomic bombs and had gone on to develop neutron bombs
and thermonuclear weapons.  Enough to destroy the entire Middle East and
nobody has done anything about it since.">>

I wrote
<< Do you remember, that I asked you to look at Israel on the world map?
Do you remember your answer? Because if you don't - I ask you to do this
again. And *then* tell again, that we can use nuclear weapons without
committing suicide.>>

Sonja wrote
<<Israel probably can, because the surrounding countries don't have them
or unlike Israel are by treaty (and otherwise) forced to give them up.
That is the scary part about it.>>

<SIGH> And now I am asking *you* to look for Israel on the map. Make it
one where your country is also, for compare (sp) sake. I'll help you to
find us - look for Saudi  peninsula - it's hard to miss, then there's
much smaller Sinai peninsula on it's left, continue line of Saudi
peninsula north east - you will get our south border.

Sonja wrote
<<I believe the report mentioned something about chemical agents being
used on Palestinians civilians. However it wasn't made clear if it was
an accident or done on purpose.>>

Check you resources. It was proven to be mass hysteria.

I wrote
<< Remind me, pls, when Israel threatened *anybody* with
non-conventional weapons?

<<Tanks rolling over someone's house, while they are still inside are a
pretty convincing threat. Even if the reason given for doing so are if
not condonable still understandable.>>

Somebody else? It's my country we are talking about. But you are right.
I, probably, should say something about the way *your* country is
treating Israeli illegals. You are invited to visit *them* in *your*
jail. The problem is, that while I think that they *do* suffer, I see no
reason why they should not be punished for knowingly breaking the law.



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