Han Tacoma wrote:
> WHO report: alarming increase in cancer rates
> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/apr2003/canc-a26.shtml
> By Joanne Laurier
> 26 April 2003
> Global cancer rates are expected to increase 50 percent by the year 2020,
> according to the latest report from the International Agency for Research on
> Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO). The 351-page
> study, titled World Cancer Report, begins by explaining that 10 million people
> developed malignant tumors and 6.2 million died from the disease in the year
> 2000.
> [URL's added by Han]
> http://bookorders.who.int:8080/newaccess/anglais/detart1.jsp?codlan=1&codcol=76&codcch=0016
> or
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?O21022CC4
> Cancer was responsible for 12 percent of the nearly 56 million deaths worldwide
> from all causes in 2000. In industrialized countries more than one in four
> people will die from the disease, a rate more than twice as high as developing
> countries. Over 22 million people in the world were treated for cancer in 2000,
> representing an increase of approximately 19 percent in incidence (cases) and 18
> percent in mortality since 1990.

A number of people in industrialized countries are ending up with
cancers that they would not otherwise get, because they'd have been DEAD
before they could develop them.

Now, if we figure out what things are more likely to be carcinogenic and
do what we can to remove those from the environment in which people
live, that would be nice; but the cancer rate overall is not going to go
down in industrial nations very much from that, because the things that
killed people off in earlier times, and are still killing people off in
developing countries, have been drastically curtailed, at least as far
as being fatal goes.

For just one example:  How many women die each year from
pregnancy-related and childbirth-related problems in industrialized
countries as opposed to in developing countries?  How many women in
industrialized countries are spared the complications that might very
well kill them were they not in industrialized countries, and then go on
to develop cancer later?


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