In a message dated 5/27/2003 7:20:32 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

> The day my son was born, he reacted to my voice and my wife's voice, but not
>  to anyone else's. It was quite shocking when it happened, and that
>  "standard" look of shock and recognition on his face when he heard our
>  voices caught everyone by surprise.
>  Up to that point I had thought her insistence that I talk to her swollen
>  belly every night, beyond ridiculous. But I must admit that she might have
>  been correct all along.
>  xponent
>  His Fathers Voice Maru
>  rob

It's interesting how long the obvious can hide in plain sight.

When a single male's umble can shake the rafters, of course the umble has to 
be a part of the unborn child's experience.

Our good Dr. Brin has set up plot points A B C and D. Sometimes E F and G 
prove themselves to be inevitable. Any other conclusion would violate the rules 
set up for A B C and D.

Alvin has to publish a book on constellations or he wouldn't remain Alvin.

Mudfoot has to stay with Alvin. The biggest trick any Tytlal could play would 
be to give a client race the gift of humor.

And Huck'll bury Hoon dogma.

William Taylor
So it shall be written....

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