Reggie Bautista wrote:
> Vilyem Teighlore wrote:
> >Yesterday I had just emailed off to our good Dr. Brin the idea that hoons
> >could tell the sex of an unborn child from the sounds that it makes while
> >still
> >in the womb.
> >
> >That or a hoon's unble is so strong that they can do their own type of
> >ultrasound scan.
> Hmm, interesting concept... this could tie in to an alien character I
> created for Champions...
I like the idea of ultrasound without electronic equipment.  Some
dolphins in one of Anne McCaffrey's Pern books did that at some point.

I like the idea of hoons using it.

> >At a hoonish birth, a chorus of midwives all umble "Come on out and greet
> >the world."

That is such a lovely way to come into the world!
> <on-topic>
> I'm near the end of Greg Bear's _Darwin's Radio_, and without being too
> spoilerish, there's a character that swears her unborn child can hear it's
> father singing it to sleep.
> </on-topic>

_Darwin's Radio_ is not something that I would recommend to anyone
planning on becoming pregnant anytime soon, nor to any woman in the
first trimester of pregnancy.  Other than that, if you're interested,
read it.


who missed a Greg Bear signing in Austin earlier this month, sigh

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