Robert Seeberger wrote:

> The day my son was born, he reacted to my voice and my wife's voice, but not
> to anyone else's. It was quite shocking when it happened, and that
> "standard" look of shock and recognition on his face when he heard our
> voices caught everyone by surprise.
> Up to that point I had thought her insistence that I talk to her swollen
> belly every night, beyond ridiculous. But I must admit that she might have
> been correct all along.

In the last 2 or 3 months of my pregnancy with Sammy, it seemed that the
doorbell rang quite often, and the dogs would charge to the door,
barking.  Miranda would sometimes bark *before* the doorbell rang, with
absolutely no warning, causing me to almost jump out of my skin a number
of times.  :)  After Sammy was born, the sudden bark of Miranda's would
jolt everyone else -- but not him.  Considering how often Miranda went
off when he was sleeping, that was a blessing.


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