> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:47 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: WMD
> --- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please suggest another alternative, bearing in mind
> > that the US
> > government either did not put 20000 soldiers on the
> > search 6 weeks
> > ago, or if it did, did not talk about the action.
> > 
> > -- 
> >     Robert J. Chassell                        
> 20,000 soldiers is a hell of a lot,

This was discussed by the US leadership (AFAIK), and I think that Saddam
flatly refused allowing even one soldier in. Saddam even wanted strong
restrictions placed upon the inspectors carrying pistols. 

 and the US has
> more urgent/important things to do than sending them
> traipsing around the Iraqi desert sounds like a pretty
> good one.  Right now, at this moment, the US military
> is desperately overstretched.  There is a 3:1 rule for
> deployments - to put 20,000 troops on the ground
> outside the US, you need to have a minimum of 60,000
> soldiers dedicated to the job.
I thought it was 6:1 or 7:1. It probably depends upon the Service. 

(300 sites/(20000/6))/3 guard shifts = 4 armed guards average per site at
any one time - Hardly enough to watch a palace, much less a 30-acre
suspected manufacturing plant. I see more guards outside a armored truck
delivering cash!
How long will it take for a 20,000 person army to run a metal detector over
every open desert space... 

Saddam had at least 40,000 loyal soldier to assist in any WMD project-
whether to destroy, smuggle or to hide in the middle of the desert. 
What would I do if I knew that 100,000 troops were going to storm the border
to go after what I consider priceless (WMD). I'm gonna hide it in the
desert. I going to silence anyone not millitary involved with the process. I
would presume I  could escape like Osama did, then covertly recover the
weapons as needed, to apply terror again for control after the Stinking
foolish American pigs leave.

Coming out of character here, I think we may very well see the Smoking gun
after it has fired, and not before. If I was an evil dictator or an evil
minion, I would make the world pay for this insult.
Nerd From Hell

  Force constraints are
> real, and a major concern of everyone in the defense
> establishment right now.
> Gautam
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