>From _The Guardian_ (that bastion of pro-Bush


As JDG has pointed out, the number of items currently
believed to have been stolen is 33 and dropping. 
Truly the looting must have been terrible.  There were
a fair number of people who said some remarkably
foolish things about the so-called looting of the
Iraqi museum.  Odds that any of them will even admit
they were wrong?

I do wonder, at some point will the credibility of
these people just evaporate?  I mean, will people say,
gee, the people of Iraq _did_ celebrate when we
arrived, Saddam _was_ defeated fairly easily, the
country _didn't_ collapse into civil war, the museum
_wasn't_ looted, and so on - at some point will the
media say (as the public already has) that empirical
reality and these people's beliefs are, let's be kind, orthogonal?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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