At 01:20 PM 6/11/03 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
From: Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Twenty (or so) Questions, was Re: Plonkworthy?
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 13:14:23 -0400

On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 11:49:50AM -0500, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> At 12:44 PM 6/11/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:
> >Typical religious irrationality. THEY say there is, you say there is
> >not, but none of you have any empirical process to check your knowledge.
> >
> >Their beliefs are more absurd than your beliefs? Without any empirical
> >tests, it is all absurd.
> What empirical tests have you performed to check if your belief is correct?

Ambiguous question. It makes no sense to postulate one of an infinite
number of undetectable explanations for something when no explanation
is required. There is no need to explain what need not be explained. If
you have a more specific question, then ask away. But before you ask,
you should know that I do NOT believe there is no god, nor do I believe
there is a god. I do not have any beliefs regarding the matter, because
they are not necessary to explain the world I see. If I ever see a
verifiable, repeatable experiment for god, then I will accept that there
is a god and work on reorganizing my conception of science. Until then,
there is no need.

Very paraphrased: Dr. Brin on Art Bell a while back: "All the Messiah would have to do is something spectacular, like level a mountain range, and people would flock to him. I would! Until then, many people are going to have doubts."

Have you ever considered why He didn't do something like that on those occasions reported in the NT when He could have? (Based on the assumption that He really existed and the events reported in the NT really happened, that is.)

-- Ronn! :)

God bless America,
Land that I love!
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam…
God bless America!
My home, sweet home.

-- Irving Berlin (1888-1989)


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