At 10:42 PM 6/14/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 03:14:52AM +0100, Andrew Crystall wrote:

> There was nothing "sudden" about it - events leading up to it had been
> going on for half a century. Perhaps WW2 gave it a final push, but
> things were brewing WELL before that.

Are you suggesting that because the Palestinian Arabs living there
saw that lots of Zionists were moving in for some time, that they
anticipated that they would be forced to either leave their homes or
become part of another religion's state, and that therefore they did not
feel wronged when it happened?

> Also, those peoples leaders had just REJECTED a plan which would have
> seem them get their own state.

This suggests the Palestinian Arabs were opposed to leaving their homes
or becoming part of a Jewish State.

> There are over a million Isralie Arabs.
Freudian slip? (joke)

Huh? I guess I don't know my Freud very well . . .

-- Ronn! :)

God bless America,
Land that I love!
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam…
God bless America!
My home, sweet home.

-- Irving Berlin (1888-1989)


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