On 14 Jun 2003 at 21:10, Erik Reuter wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 08:51:51PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > When the Britain promished the Jews a state they were not dividing a
> > previously existent state they were giving the Jews part of the Land
> > they controlled. Now you can argue that the British and then the
> > allies had no right to do this but it was certainly not same as
> > giving away part of a pre-existent country.
> I think when trying to understand motivations of people involved, it
> is more realistic to think in terms of people's homes than in terms of
> a "country". It seems clear that the Zionists did not buy ALL of the
> land proclaimed to be the Jewish State -- there were a number of
> Palestinian Arabs with homes on that land when the Jewish State was
> proclaimed. Almost everyone I know would feel wronged if someone
> suddenly declared, without consulting them, that their home was going
> to be part of a new religious state.

There was nothing "sudden" about it - events leading up to it had 
been going on for half a century. Perhaps WW2 gave it a final push, 
but things were brewing WELL before that.

Also, those peoples leaders had just REJECTED a plan which would have 
seem them get their own state.

There are over a million Isralie Arabs. They cannot serve in the army 
but in all other ways are full citizens.

Dawn Falcon


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