>By 2050, I fully expect full-spectrum anti-agathic treatments, a mature
>nanotechnology, human-equivalent AI and so forth.

Drexler himself recently responded to Richard Smalley's claim that Molecular
manufacturing is a pipedream. Drexler is still confident we will have
molecular assemblers, but it will take longer that he first predicted. 
If you are referring to large-scale nanotechnology like MEMS, well, its here
Recently I saw an add from Forbes mag of a new mag they have that provides
investment advice to those who want to invest in nanotechnology.

 Given all that, I
>think the demographic arguments won't count for much. Need more
>workers? Just manufacture some more human-grade AIs, etc. etc.

AI is tough to do. I would say we don't need human grade AI. I mean, who
wants to deal with a bunch of (depressed) Marvin's....

However, I have stated on my resume that if I was to go back to school, I
would either study Nanomedicine or AI pathology. I'm optimistic!

Nerd from Hell
Born-again Extropian

>Rich, who is actually quite serious.


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