--- David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> iaamoac wrote:
> > 
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >       If you want a serious discussion of religion, we should
> > > probably all agree to adopt an agnostic viewpoint for the duration.
> > 
> > But what kind of discussion is it where one adopts a viewpoint that
> > one does not seriously believe?   Why should those who disagree with
> > agnostics be forced to adopt their viewpoint?
>       "Agnostic" means "not knowing", right?  I don't really 
> see that there is much to DISAGREE with there.  You might personally
> KNOW, but should be open to the possibility that others don't.  
> If you aren't, there really isn't much to say, is there?  (Which is
> why I usually stay out of religious discussions.)

Yea, the word "religious" is now commonly used to describe topics where one
or either side will not listen to reason. For Aithiests and agnotstics it is
easy to -adopt- an agnostic view for the sake of arguement, But for a
religious person even considering accepting an agnostic view would be
sinfull, and they would want to avoid it. 

               Jan William Coffey

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