From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At 10:16 AM 7/4/03 -0600, Michael Harney wrote:
> >Every time I bring up anything related to vegetarianism I get pounced on
> >people acting less than civil.
> With all due respect, and I am NOT talking about you, I think many people
> react that way because SOME vegetarians are every bit as zealous about
> lifestyle as the most fundamentalist Christian is about his/her beliefs,
> and like those fundamentalist Christians, the zealous vegetarians say that
> anyone who does not believe and behave as they do is evil.  Thus, as some
> here have pointed out that there are some Christians who display
> intolerance for others' beliefs and practices that as far as those list
> members are concerned all who label themselves Christian must accept the
> blame for that attitude and expect others to consider them guilty of that
> attitude, many who have had previous encounters with zealous vegetarians
> worry that all who identify themselves as vegetarians are similarly
> intolerant of anyone who is not a vegetarian.

I am well aware of that fact, and it only solidifies the point of my
original message.  The fact that I am being projected and generalized on
just parrallels JDG's situation that much more as he is deeling with the
obvious projections and generalizations of The Fool and maybe some other
list members (honestly I haven't been following the thread too closely).
Read the whole of my post, it wasn't a complaint to the list, it was just
used as an example to illustrate to JDG that other people deal with the same
sort of bias and that there are other (and IMO better) ways of dealing with
it than complaining to the list about it.

Michael Harney

"Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because
he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all
the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than
man for precisely the same reasons." - Douglas Adams


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