Jan Coffey wrote:
> --- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > :)
> >
> > OK, just for that, Jan, I'm going to ask you the question under
> > discussion at the barbecue I was at yesterday evening (where the big
> > draw was the turkey breasts that the host had smoked from 8AM until 2PM
> > yesterday, and they were so tender they fell apart very nicely, and I
> > ate a fair bit of turkey, a fair bit of cantelope and probably too many
> > chocolate chip cookies and drank too much IBC Root Beer):
> >
> > What's your favorite "King of the Hill" episode?
> >
> > (I think mine is the one where Bobby feeds the raccoon that's been
> > hanging around the garbage and Dale ends up eating something with
> > hallucinogenic properties in the woods....)
> >
> Well In light of the topic at hand I feel like answering the one where Hank
> mistakenly believes that his new Laotian neighbors use dog meat to make their
> delicious barbecued hamburgers. Or how about the one where Bobby suffers
> enormous guilt after he consumes all of the new reverend's lutefisk and
> inadvertently burns the church to the ground. Or what about "There will be no
> enlightenment in this house!"? But to be honest it is the one where Hank's
> Father takes over the military school Bobby has been sent to and tries
> unsucessfuly to break bobby.

That was the favorite of someone else in the room during that

I have to admit, I haven't seen that one yet.  Now I'm looking forward
to seeing it someday.  :)

The Lutefisk one was pretty good.  Of course, unlike my husband, I've
never been subjected to lutefisk.  (He hated the stuff.  That was the
worst thing about big family gatherings at Christmas during his


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