From: Russell Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Must have cost a fortune to produce compared to a simple card sleeve. I had a Led Zeppelin album which had about 4 covers between you and the vinyl, and my personal favourite - Led Zeppelin's In Through The Out Door - the cover was a bland sepia look, but if you painted it with a wet paintbrush, it came out in vivid colours...wierd but fun.

I think the Zep album with ~4 covers was In Through The Out Door: It had a brown paper-bag-like cover with the album name stamped on it, the real, heavy cardboard outer cover, a thin white inner cardboard liner (I thought this is what you'd wet to see the picture get colorized), and maybe a paper album liner inside that. I remember asking a friend what the heck he was doing when he started swabbing down my album with a sponge, and him telling me "It'll be cool, you'll see". But nothing happened; my album must have been from a later print run where they cut the cost and left out that feature. :-(

ahh, memory lane!


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