Bryon Daly wrote:

I especially miss the novelty LP album covers (like my original Led Zeppelin III cover with the picture wheel in it) and the double albums with suitable-for-hanging-in-your-dorm-room trippy artwork inside. It's a real shame: the death of the LP and the small size of CD and tape covers seem to have killed most of that whole art-concept aspect of albums.

I've just bought a box of blank CD's which, instead of the traditional metallic look label on the upper face have a smaller brightly coloured paper centre label, and pseudo vinyl covering on the rest complete with tiny concentric grooves. To look at it in isolation it looks just like a vinyl 45 - way cool for an old fart like me to listen to music on...
These are similar, but without the paper label (or a reasonable price-mine were the same as regular CDRs):

Russell C.


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