----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Russell Chapman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Why we "cast" novels

> Bryon Daly wrote:
> > I especially miss the novelty LP album covers (like my original Led
> > Zeppelin III cover with the picture wheel in it) and the double albums
> > with suitable-for-hanging-in-your-dorm-room trippy artwork inside.
> > It's a real shame: the death of the LP and the small size of CD and
> > tape covers seem to have killed most of that whole art-concept aspect
> > of albums.
> I'm guessing cost cutting would have killed them anyway... I remember
> the Alice Cooper LP where he was released from the sanitarium, and the
> cover had all sorts of folding and sliding panels in all sorts of
> places, so that it was effectively a cardboard model of the sanitarium,
> with views in through the windows to the characters mentioned in the
> songs, and opening doors that let him out etc.

Schools Out came with a pair of women's panties which by some odd chance I
never wore.

All The Young Girls Love Alice Maru


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