--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ... Debbi claims that there may be some as yet
> unmeasurable by
> science connection between her numinous experiences
> and the rest of
> the universe. Very similar to some claims of
> astrology. I would not
> have made the comparison if there were no "testable
> predictions" ...

Mmmm, hadn't looked at it quite like this before, but
what you're saying is that I have *faith* that
scientific knowledge will progress to the point that
what I am referring to as a 'sixth or seventh or
spiritual sense' will be, in the future, to some
degree, measurable and verifiable...


Let me give an example of 'phenomena that had been
investigated for centuries' to no avail, until after
the proper equipment was invented and the phenomenon
was explained scientifically: blood circulation. 

Blood had been known to be important for life from
early in recorded history (and likely for centuries
before that, but we have no record).  The heart was
thought to be somehow related to blood, but exactly
*how* was unknown. Millenia of cutting up animals and
each other, yet humans had little idea of how blood
actually worked in the body.

Even though several people *had* put forth the proper
idea that blood was circulated around the body, in the
~1400 years since Galen, there was no evidence
convincing enough to dispute him.[1]  According to
Galen, "blood ebbs and flows in the arteries,
distributing the vital spirit. Blood moves similarly
in the veins, nourishing the body, but generally in an
outward direction from the heart...In order to keep
the blood from falling down in the venous system,
Galen had hypothesized the existence of an "attractive
force..." "

"...Galen in the second century, who said that the
blood reaching the right side of the heart went
through invisible pores in the septum to the left side
of the heart where it mixes with air to create spirit
and then is distributed to the body. According to
Galen's views, the venous system is quite separate
from the arterial system, except when they come in
contact by the unseen pores..."

Building on the ideas of others, and his teacher's
discovery of vein valves, and defying Western
'knowledge' of over a millenium, Harvey reasoned and
experimented his way to a theory of blood circulation.

"The tale of this discovery is one of ingenuity,
imagination and perseverance, and a remarkable use of
experiment, observation and skill. In the seventeenth
century, William Harvey, physician to King James I and
Charles I, made one of the greatest discoveries in
anatomy, revolutionising our understanding of the
human body. He found that the blood vessels form a
closed system and that the blood circulates rapidly
around the body, pumped by the heart. Having stood
unchallenged for 1,500 years, the accepted view – that
blood was generated in the liver and slowly consumed
by the body – was overthrown. 

"Andrew Gregory’s extraordinary account of Harvey’s
crucial work places it against the background of the
art and science of the Renaissance, and narrates the
dramatic struggle Harvey fought for its acceptance." 
Actually, it _wasn't_ accepted widely at the time, and
later when capillaries were better visualized through
the use of an improved microscope, the theory was
further bolstered.
"After his work was published, Harvey actually lost
patients, as his ideas were considered eccentric. It
was not until after his death that others became
convinced that he was right. Marcello Malpighi
(1628-1694), an Italian physician, used better quality
microscopes to prove that Harvey's ideas were
[1] For the interested, one of the doctors who also
disagreed with Galen's assertion was the Arab Ibn
Nafis, who in the thirteenth century described blood's
pulmonary circulation:

So just because something hasn't been shown in 2000
years doesn't mean that it won't ever.  And for an
even longer timeframe from observance to 'scientific
revision,' look at the change from an Earth-centered
to a sun-centered system!  :)

Revisio, Revisiari, Revisierunt Maru  ;)

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