Doug Pensinger wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> > Actually, *my* point was I thought that Erik was being a bit cheeky, and
> > I was trying to be cheeky right back at him.  I think Erik got my post
> > better than you did.
> I can't remember seeing such obvious sarcasm whoosh over people's heads
> the way Erik's comments did.

Well, there are people who do deadpan all too well, and I've seen *that*
be taken too seriously.  Plus there was something major on another list
I'm on, sometime during the spring of last year, that wasn't even as
sharp as sarcasm, that started one heckuva flamewar, and when a crucial
detail was explained at a meeting of some of the listmembers, there were
people in *tears*.  So I've seen or known about worse, but not lately,
and not here.


who learned from the tear-inducing one that you should NOT jump on
someone about the domain in their e-mail address

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