From: "Jon Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Behalf Of Bryon Daly
> >From: Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I disagree. Catholics have a distorted view of the world that isn't
> >healthy to pass on to children. They should not be permitted to legally
> >marry, and their children should be put up for adoption with decent
> >parents.
> I know you're trying to troll him, but 1) he never stated anything about
> Catholicism is his remark, did that need to be dragged in?, and 2) it's
> intolerant and offensive to me and perhaps to any other Catholics who
> might
> be on this list.

It IS offensive, I agree.  But the point he's making is, imo a valid
one, even if it could have been made with more tact.

And if I want to make a point that insulted Erik, I wouldn't do it my making an obnoxious broad general statement about all physics experts or atheists, because either of those would also attack other people on this list. That's my point.

Bryon, reread the paragraph but substitute the word "homosexual" for
"Catholic".  Do you still think it's offensive?  Why or why not?

Yes, of course it would still be as offensive, whether you substituted "homsexuals" or "Hispanics" or "Whites" or "Jews" or "Lutherans" or "Arabs" or "Democrats" or "Canadians". Why? -- Because it's bigotry in all cases, regardless of the point he's making

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