"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> >You are kidding about this. We had one true ally in this Britain. The
> other are either not major players or are
> > anxious to please us (not a bad thing.....
> Ahem.   ...   You have also forgotten Poland,
> which is the second-largest country in Europe 

        O.K., second in what sense, then?  Russia, Sweden, Finland, 
Norway... are all bigger by area.  Russia, Germany, UK, France, 
Spain... have greater populations.  Germany, France, UK, Italy,
Russia, Spain,... have greater GDPs.  
(These from: http://www.geographyiq.com/ranking/rankings.htm)

        Yes, there were some allies.  But really!  If you have to
fluff up the list to make it look bigger, then you know that it's

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