[I've been out of town.]

On 25 Jul 2003, "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 

    ... -- intelligence to the president is supposed to be thoroughly
    checked, not just for accuracy, but also for "spin" and such.  I
    can't say much about who the reviewing parties are, or how many
    people are involved ....

    But it clearly indicates that under this administration, the
    system failed to operate the way it nearly always has.

    Perhaps with the media abandoning objectivity and accuracy, most
    people simply don't realize that the U.S. intelligence system
    still strives for it, so they don't realize what a fundamental
    problem this reflects.

Nick is right.  This is very serious.

Suppose the Bush Administration are good guys, as some believe:

  * then they cannot do a good job if they receive inaccurate information

Suppose the Bush Administration are bad guys, as some believe, who
however, are not Benedict Arnolds (he was a famous traitor to the US
during its war for independence):

  * then they cannot do a patriotic job if they receive inaccurate

>From the point of view of US citizens, many would say that the best
hope is that the President lied in his State of the Union message, not
that he or the system was incompetent.

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.teak.cc                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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