Here is a link to all of the Texas Redistricting Maps you could ever want:

I personally have to disagree with Dan's and Julia's characterizations of the 
Republicans' plan as being much worse than the judges plan - based on a first look of 
what I think is the Republican's plan.   Essentially, the judgement of the level of 
gerrymandering centers entirely on three things - Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio as 
near as I can tell.  The level of "gerrymandering" difference between the judges' 
plans and the Republicans' plans does not strike me as significant - merely different. 
  The judges I am guessing tried to gerrymander some majority-minority districts.  The 
Republicans tried to make a few more districts competitive for Republicans.   I don't 
see a huge moral difference between those two (leaving aside tactics and timing.) 


-------Original Message-------
From: Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> One question I had about the Texas redistricting issue, I've seen the
> of the proposed redistricting, but no maps of the current districts

A map is at

It appears to fit the descriptions of being somewhat gerrymandered, but
nowhere close to the proposed Republican maps.

Dan M.

Dan M.


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