Jan Coffey wrote:

> However, the emergant property is very troubeling. I do not wish to be 70 and
> working long hours every day. What kind of life is it where you get out of
> bed go to work, leave work, come home and go directly to bed? Many do that
> now, and are proud of it. They are nothing but drones doing the bidding of
> those who spend most of their day on the gulf course. I look at it and one
> word comes to mind. That word is "slavery".

Depends on the individual and the work.  I can cite one case that's
probably *extremely* out of the ordinary where a 70-year-old, laid off
and eligible for a pension, took the pension and spent the next 10
months trying to find *another* job in his field, and didn't admit he
was probably never going to have such a job again until near the end of
those 10 months.  (And it's not as if he couldn't have afforded to
retire 10 years earlier.)


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