On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 12:17:24PM -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

> You mean did I miss the fact that you were playing the "look at me,
> I'm so clever, I'm mocking someone with their own words" game?

What happened to I'll be happy to assume good intentions?

> No, I just considered that of secondary importance.

Right, it is more important to play the passive agressive game and say
how evil I am and how clever you are to recognize it.

> Well, I thought you were replying to my post.  Silly me.

I was replying to your comment about Jan, which I quoted. I didn't say
anything about your excessive generalizations.

> You posts are often a good example of aggressive.

I didn't realize this was in dispute?

> OK, since you like blunt, I'll be just a bit blunt. I never cease
> to be amazed by the arrogance of ignorance.  You don't know what
> happened, and your speculation is worse than useless.  The only point
> I can see is trying to get people to act out of anger.

As I predicted you would respond. Interesting that you accuse me of not
understanding your situation, but you assume you understand mine.

> Further, before you use a term, like passive aggressive, it would be
> helpful to learn its meaning.  If you wish, I'd be more than happy to
> explain it to you.  If you don't want to know, that's your business.

Talk about arrogance!

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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