On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 12:46:48AM -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

> O, and Erik, yes we did turn phrases around a couple of times. The
> point of that was to express the need for tolerance, and to express
> that everyone is wrong once and a while even about things that the
> usualy correct others on. I never did thank you for helping me to make
> that point, or for correcting my error in the process.

That's not necessary. By the way, I think we have a different idea of
what is meant by tolerance. I didn't intend to make any point about
spelling when I started that thread (my point was obviously about that
other phrase which has a million uses :-) , but as it turned out I did
(and do) have a little something to say about spelling and tolerance.

I DO tolerate bad spelling. By that, I mean that I continue to read
posts by people regardless of whether their spelling is 99% or 75% or
whatever. If I couldn't tolerate it, then I would killfile people who
make a lot of spelling errors. I think that would be silly, it is just
spelling, not a big deal, I would rather think about concepts than worry
too much about spelling. However, I don't think tolerating something
means not mentioning it. I got the impression that you felt that I
should not bring up the topic. And we apparently do disagree about
how a computer can be used to aid in spelling (my test of a phonetic
spelling program found that it could guess the correct spelling with
high probability and it gave a list of words with brief definitions so
the correct spelling could be easily chosen).

Although I am certainly capable of figuring out what is meant in posts
with 25% misspellings, it does slow me down considerably to read such a
post. Likewise, Jan, I think you are capable of using a good computer
program to improve your spelling, but it would also slow you down (and
we apparently disagree on how much).  Anyway, I don't think it is
intolerant to discuss this. As you may have noticed, no topic is sacred
to me. If you are unable to tolerate this quality of mine, you COULD
always killfile me. :-)

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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