--- David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Yes, I feel it is reasonable to call the US flag a
> "symbol of hatred", in the sense that many who wave
> it most
> fervently do so partially out of hate.  You seem to
> have 
> removed all of the modifiers from your restatement.
>       For comparison, part of my original post is quoted
> below.
>                                       ---David
> P.S.  Do you use "extremist" as more than a label
> for those you
> disagree with?  If you define it as "more than 3
> sigma from the
> mean", or something, then we could continue this
> discussion.  But
> if someone is an extremist just because you say so,
> I really have
> no opportunity to reply.  

No, I don't.  I use it for people who are completely
out of the mainstream - which you have dramatically
demonstrated you are.  One of the reasons that people
like Rush Limbaugh are so successful at speaking to
the American public is that - unlike their opponents -
they _like_ the public.  I have lots of problems with
Rush.  But he loves America, and he loves Americans. 
The American people rather like that and they
(correctly) completely reject people who believe that
it is reasonable to say the American flag is a symbol
of hatred.  You have demonstrated my point better than
I ever could have.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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