--- David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Where have you been?  Everybody uses symbols
> differently,
> of course.  But I saw many flying the flag who
> seemed to do so out
> of some mix of patriotism, jingoism and hate. 
> (Anyway, they would
> say things like "Kill all Arabs!")
>       When others have contaminated a symbol with things
> one 
> does not believe in, one reasonable response is to
> avoid using 
> the symbol.  (Another is to attempt to "reclaim" it,
> but either
> should be fair.)
>       So her rhetoric is over-the-top, but her basic
> position
> doesn't seem too far out.
>                                       ---David

The prosecution rests.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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