--- Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm not sure which remarks you meant to quote, but I
hope it included the "prescriptions!"  :)
> Chomsky is generally repulsive - but people who
> the dissent is marginalized should remember that
> anti-Semitic, anti-American bigot is the most cited
> scientist in the world, and not just because of his
> linguistics.  When he spoke at Harvard while I was
> there he spoke to a packed and laudatory house,
> while Harvard professors introduced him as a 
> legendary "American dissident".  Being an apologist 
> for totalitarian dictators gets you brownie points
> the modern left, apparently.

Well, I truly didn't know who he was, nor did a couple
of professional friends I asked - so I'd guess his
views are next-to-unknown by the majority of middle
America (or else we have our heads in journals too

I don't think anyone on this list approves of such
radical and bizarre beliefs - certainly none of my RL
friends.  I do think you're lumping in the
off-the-edge cases like NC with the moderate liberals,
which is as inaccurate as ascribing all Muslims with
Osama's radical views.  (I'm still stunned to learn
that by KP's definition I'm *rightward!*)
> Katha Pollitt, among many other things, famously
> forbade her daughter from flying an American flag
> after September 11th because it was a symbol of,
> IIRC, jingoism and hate.

If you want to prescribe a dose of Saudi living for
her, feel free.  ;)
> If that _doesn't_ bother you, then it explains why
> the left has no traction in the United States.  If
> does, remember that the right's extremists are
> policed
> by the right as much as by the left, and it might be
> worth thinking why someone who believes that edits
> _The Nation_, the most influential magazine of the
> Left in America.  Pat Buchanan doesn't exactly run
> National Review.

"Bother" - no, but it's petty and silly, and
diminishes whatever else she has to say, even when
it's true (as in the case of worldwide women's

<wry>  You credit me with more political knowledge
than I possess - I've never read anything from _The
Nation_ until today, and I'm not sure of _National
Review_.  Here in the office we're talking about the
rise in car insurance rates, Denver's ozone problem,
and various tort and medical reforms/disasters.

Compared to your Lefties, all my friends are
"rightward-leaning" - and all but a few consider
themselves liberal!  I think the Northeast concept of
"liberal" from the Mountain West understanding of it
is very different - must be hanging off the edge of
the world that gives you East and West Coasters such
odd ideas!  ;)


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