At 09:38 PM 7/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> Seriously, the ones that get the most attention seem to be more extreme
> one way or another.  That's probably true for any group that gets
> stereotyped.  Except maybe Poles.  I've never met a Pole anywhere close
> to being as stupid as all the jokes imply.  (Where'd they get that
> reputation, anyway?)

Except, when an extreme right-winger goes ballistic, nobody but a few dumb
liberals notice. When an extreme leftist mouths off, the right wing media
stooges spew it all over the place like this is representative of all mainstream
moderate liberals and progressives. Rush Limbaugh is notorious for taking some
deranged wacko feminist and pretending that she speaks for all feminists
everywhere everywhen. And nobody ever calls him or them on this disgusting practice.

As for the Polish reputation for stupidity - I have no clue whence it

Tom Beck

Except, when a right winger makes an innocuous statement and the left wing media huffs and puffs until they blow the issue up into whatever slight they feel gets them the best press.

Kevin T. - VRWC


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