Jan Coffey wrote:

> What if a kid gets ahold of the gun? Well, they probably won't be able to
> pull back on the triger anyway. But if they could, why were they able to get
> to the gun in the first place? If you have kids do you put your car keys were
> they can get them? what about draino?

No Draino in the house right now, most cleaning supplies kept on shelves
way over the kid's head, a few cleaning supplies lower down, but in
cabinets with cabinet locks on them.

Car keys are as accessible as my purse, which is very, sometimes, and
not at all at others.

He can't reach the deadbolts on the outside doors yet; as long as we
keep those locked, he won't go outside on his own.  (Well, he might get
through the dog door at some point....)
> If you have kids isn't every cabinet in your house kidproof? Don't you have
> every outlet covered?

Most outlets covered.  A few cabinets deliberately not kidproofed, so he
has *something* to play with in the way of a cabinet.  (Only thing
stored in the unlocked cabinet is TP.  There's a limit as to how much
trouble he can get into with that, we figure.)  The only uncovered
outlets have large pieces of furniture in front of them, or are up high
enough for him not to be able to reach anytime soon.
> Well? I don't have kids, so my cabints are not locked, my outlets are not
> covered, and my gun is close enough to be usefull.

See, I can't rig a lock on a drawer or cabinet secure enough to be sure
to keep him out until he's old enough to know not to mess with a gun,
and still have it accessible enough to get to in the howevermany seconds
I'd have if someone broke into my house.  The only weapons we keep with
that sort of accessibility right now are swords.  And me cornered in my
own house with a sword is probably *extremely* dangerous to whomever is
cornering me.


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