What is your point?

That is economics, supply and demand.

You can try to do something about it, but in the end it will only make things 

The real answer is a global market in labor.  Nations and patriotism are evil 

On Thursday 2003-09-11 21:59, Jan Coffey wrote:
> --- Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >"It would be really interesting to work in Bangalore," he says. "But I
> > >was told, 'Daniel, it is against the law for you to work here. You can
> > >come here on vacation, but you can't work here.'"
> >
> > It sounds fair to me. The USA has put a lot of weird laws to
> > prevent "dangerous aliens" to work in the USA, so it's natural
> > that the "rest of the world" puts laws to restrict USAns to work
> > outside the USA :-P
> >
> > Alberto Monteiro "thinking about getting a job in Moçambique" O:-)
> You have no idea what you are talking about.
> Indeans have basic free reign to work in the technology sector here in the
> USA.
> At the same time American citizens are bing asked to train Indean Nationals
> in Bangalore and elsewhere who then eventualy take the jobs away from
> Americans (whatever their ethnenticity).
> Let's face it it's a bit hard to compete with a people who will work 80
> hour weeks for 5k or 10k a year.
> A few years ago software engeneer was begingin to become as prestegious a
> job as doctor or lawyer. And for the most part it takes nearly as much
> education. I knwo of many in the medical profesion who dropped out of CS
> school becouse it was too hard. What is happening is the equivelent of
> moving all medical jobs to only those who are on H1 Visas and moving all
> the courts to Indea.
> How would you feel if you had taken one of the most difficult majors and
> racked up a lot of student loans to have those who spent their time at
> school partying artificialy make your degree worthless?
> That is what is happening.
> Ad if that isn't enough think of those poor Indeans, not only the ones here
> who are literaly forced to work 80 hour weeks for 1/3 what they are worth,
> but what of those in Bangalore who LIVE in front of a monitor for pennies?
> If this isn't slave labor then please someone tell me what is!
> =====
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