Jan Coffey wrote:
[[BTW: you were so angry when you replied that it
showed in many typographical errors...]]

> A few years ago software engeneer was begingin to become
> as prestegious a job as doctor or lawyer. 
This is the situation here in Brazil - all three professions, when
exercised honestly, have ***no*** prestige.

> How would you feel if you had taken one of the most difficult
> majors and racked up a lot of student loans to have those who
> spent their time at school partying artificialy make your degree
> worthless?
I would ask to be fired. Wait a minute! Wrong time tense! I did it,
two weeks ago.

I can't say about the USA, but here in Brazil the only professions
that seem to have any perspective of success are drug dealers
and tax collectors. The tax collectors will extort money from the
drug dealers, and the drug dealers will sell drugs to the tax
collectors. The most recent estimation is that honest workers
are sucked in 5 months per year of their income to support
state's parasitism.

Alberto Monteiro


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