Jan Coffey wrote:

> Ok fine if that's the way you want it, but that means that 
> any American
> should have just as much opertunity to work in Indea as 
> Ineans do to work
> here, shouldn't it?

But that *is* the case. Afaik, anyway. This is the first time I have
heard of anybody saying that Americans or other foreigners can't work in
India. My husband is a foreign national and while he has to fill out
more forms to start a new venture/job than I would have to if I were
doing the same, there are no prohibitions.

Ritu, who wishes she could read the article so that she could find out
the details...

PS- Could somebody please give me the particulars of the case: Who said
this? Which organisation is he connected to? Was he talking about
non-Indians in general or just Americans and the IT industry?

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