--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is nonsense.  Eli Lilly spent almost $1BB
> taking
> > Prozac from nothing to molecule to market.  Do you
> > know how much Lilly makes off Prozac in the US
> right
> > now?  Essentially nothing.  Not even a rounding
> error.
> >  Lilly lost most of its Prozac market share in
> _weeks_
> Because the process to make prozac was in the patent
> filing?

Since generic drug manufacturers often use a different
process, I doubt that had much to do with it.  Look, a
drug is a molecule mated with a delivery system. 
That's all it is.  Most drugs are actually fairly
simple molecues (in relative terms).  It's not that
hard to figure out how to make a molecule, and
everyone knows how to do it.  The delivery systems are
also usually fairly easy to manufacture, and quite
often generic drug markers develop new ones
(sometimes, better ones), so the patent application
doesn't help them there either.  Manufacturing is the
cheapest and easiest part of the pharmaceutical
industry for 99 drugs out of 100.

> Good.  Competition is always good, no matter what
> you say. 


> I think the government should do the reasearch,
> spend the tax dollars so
> everyone can have good cost effective medicines,
> that are cheap to make. 
> The government has no interest in making a profit,
> but it does have a
> very stong interest of raising the health level of
> the people.

You see, perhaps, the conflict between your two
statements here?  The government faces no competition.
 Government funds are spent politically and, on the
whole, inefficiently.  I love the NIH, but if I needed
a drug to save my life, I'd rather have Merck or
Pfizer believing that they could make a few billion
off of it than a couple of Senators thinking that
maybe they can get 3% in the opinion polls by tucking
a rider into an appropriations bill on the topic.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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