Gautam wrote
> The core reason that American drug prices are so high
> is free riding by the Europeans, who pay very low
> prices for pharmaceuticals but get the benefit of
> American and Japanese consumers paying for all the
> R&D.  Take that away and the situation for American
> and Japanese consumers would improve a great deal.

The easiest option appears to be to level the price to
all the users.  Anyone know the logistics of the
Euro market,(to get that perspective).  Some drugs
like Ultram, etc were trialed in Europe prior to 
introduction in the US (I don't know if it had the
same name).  I seem to recall hearing that many
drugs are sought from Europe (just as an example
from "outside the US") since they take so long to
approve here, but are available "there".  Do we
benefit from lower prices on those drugs, or
do we pay the same as those in the drugs country
of origin?


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