At 10:08 AM 11/5/03 -0600, The Fool wrote:

There was a drug one of the drug companies had a patent for.  It was
found to be useful for treating a very specific form of a fatal cancer
that only a few thousand people have.  They sat on it for more than 7
years, doing nothing, because their was 'no market' for it, despite the
fact that it could have been a useful remedy.  It turn out that when they
did test it on the subjects, in a very short period of time the people
who were otherwise dying of this cancer, taking this medicine had tumor
reductions of something like ~90 percent.

So are they using the drug now? What is it called?

Sure I can.  It worked for 99.999 percent of human history.  When you
raise the tide, all boat float higher.

Do you feel the same way about that statement when it is used to justify tax cuts and "trickle-down" economic policies?

-- Ronn! :)


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