In a message dated 11/27/2003 10:21:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Ronn! wrote:
> > >> Remember:  you are what you eat.  (Or drink.)
> > >
> > > Anyone on the list eat haggis?
> > 
> > Some people don't eat haggis?
> I've never had the pleasure.  (I wasn't weaned yet the only 
> time I was in 
> Scotland, for one thing....)

Several years ago I had to go to Scotland to look at some radiology equipment. I went 
with a colleague who is in love with all things Scotish. He ran around until he found 
a cd of "Donny keep your trowser's on". We had dinner with a couple of his sailing 
buddies. The vendor was paying so usually you get taken to a great place. We were in a 
dive; a dive however with the largest collection of single malts in all of Glasgow. My 
friend tried them all (I am not a scotch drinker so I had to content myself with warm 
beer).  But one thing was missing; haggis. It was out of season we were told with 
great formality and one only has real haggis in season. But we did find some in the 
airport shop and my friend enthusiastically told me we would have it upon our return 
to the US. I was thrilled (not). But luck was on my side. When we got to US customs 
they would not let the haggis in. Customs said that it was not properly packed. I 
think that they just don't let it in because it is, well, haggis 

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