--- Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ronn! wrote:
> > > > >> Remember:  you are what you eat. (Or
> I replied:
> > > > > Anyone on the list eat haggis?
> Willam T Goodall responded:
> > > > Some people don't eat haggis?
> Julia answered:
> > > I've never had the pleasure.  (I wasn't weaned
> > > yet the only time I was in
> > > Scotland, for one thing....)
> >Several years ago I had to go to Scotland to look
> >at some radiology equipment....
> (snip)
> >Customs said that it was not properly packed. I
> >think that they just don't 
> >let it in because it is, well, haggis
> Kansas City has a Highland Games weekend every year,
> and depending on
> which vendors come, sometimes you can get haggis and
> sometimes you
> can get "haggis sausage."  There are Scottish
> Festivals and Celtic Festivals
> like this across the US every year where you can get
> decent haggis, or
> haggis sausage.  Not being able to import it or eat
> it in Scotland is no
> excuse, at least not for Americans... ;-)

I've had something that *purported* to be haggis at a
local Scottish festival, but it was made with rice
instead of oatmeal, and I think it was lamb instead of
mature sheep; in addition it wasn't boiled in a
sheep's stomach... It tasted like very bland 'dirty
rice,' which is a Cajun dish made of various
giblets/assorted undefined animal parts/rice/onions

Almost anything Cajun will taste *quite* spicy to
those who don't eat Mexican/Thai/Indian/Cajun...I
couldn't even find *medium* salsa when I worked a
couple of near-veggieless months in North Dakota! 
Standard veggies at people's houses and restaurants in
Dickenson: white: potatoes (boiled, mashed & fried),
cabbage (pickled or boiled), onions (fried or boiled),
navy beans (boiled with salt and maybe some pepper if
the cook was adventuresome that day...;} ) and corn
(boiled or creamed).  In northern Wyoming, they did
add baked beans with mild barbeque sauce, and canned
green beans (boiled for 10 minutes - no seasoning :P

Spice Girl Maru  ;)

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