Ronn! wrote:
> > >> Remember: you are what you eat. (Or drink.)

I replied:
> > > Anyone on the list eat haggis?

Willam T Goodall responded:
> > Some people don't eat haggis?

Julia answered:
> I've never had the pleasure.  (I wasn't weaned yet the only
> time I was in
> Scotland, for one thing....)

Several years ago I had to go to Scotland to look at some radiology equipment....
Customs said that it was not properly packed. I think that they just don't let it in because it is, well, haggis

Kansas City has a Highland Games weekend every year, and depending on which vendors come, sometimes you can get haggis and sometimes you can get "haggis sausage." There are Scottish Festivals and Celtic Festivals like this across the US every year where you can get decent haggis, or haggis sausage. Not being able to import it or eat it in Scotland is no excuse, at least not for Americans... ;-)

House of Douglas Bakery, by the way, is a frequent vendor at these events,
and they make the best Eccles Cakes I've ever tasted.

Reggie Bautista
VFP Douglas Clan, Kirkpatrick Sept Class

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