Michael wrote:

No worries, you didn't write it, you just posted it. Nor did you say where you stand on the topic. It was the people on-list agreeing with it that
irked me more than the post itself.

Since I'm the only one that said he agreed with anything Crichton wrote, let me modify my statement. I believe that his main point is correct; that we should approach environmentalism from a scientific rather than a religious direction.

I don't know that much about DDT, I'm not at all convinced that second hand smoke is harmless and I think that global warming could very well be more disastrous than he does, but on the National Parks thing I think he may be referring to the fact that most of them have _not_ been subject to controlled burns and that is why fires like the one in Yellowstone a few years ago have occurred.

In any case I consider my self an environmentalist, but I don't think we're going to get much accomplished if the fringe groups are able to make it look like the whole movement is driven by pseudo-science.


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