----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Double Standards on Regional Bigotry

> At 05:50 PM 1/14/2004 -0600 Dan Minette wrote:
> >So, in 14 years under Republican rule, blacks lost about half a percent.
> >In 8 years under Democratic rule, they gained over 30%. It seems to me
> >deciding that the Democrats are better for them than Republicans is
> >straightforward.
> And these numbers are relevant, how?

Because Republicans favor tax and spending policies that favor focusing
wealth in the "entrepreneur class" because "they are the ones that give
jobs to the rest of us."

> I guess that they are relevant if you really truly believe that Al Gore
> invented the Internet,

Actually, do you really believe he claimed that?  I do believe that he was
part of the inspiration for "Love Story"

> and if you believe that the recessions of '82, '91,

> and '01 were all the Republicans' fault.

No, their policies just exaperated the recessions and weakened the
recoveries.  But, I don't believe that a muli-sigma signal is just

>If only we had Democratic
> Presidents, then I am sure that we would never have had recessions and
> 1990's asset bubble would have last forever, eh?

No, its just that Gore wouldn't have handled it by running deficits up to
record levels in order to concentrate wealth in the upper income bracket
because he felt they are the only ones who make the ecconomy go.

> And of course, I would also point out that it takes some pretty
> temporal dynamics to use economic results from the Clinton years to
> voting patterns that have held for the past 30 years.

Historically, blacks have done much better under Democrats.  I can trace it
with certainty as far back as the number go...to the '60s.  And, that far
back, there was some gratitude for the willingness of the Democratic
leadership to give up the South in presidential elections for civil rights.

Dan M.


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