At 04:05 PM 2/27/04, Travis Edmunds wrote:

From: Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A few new words of which this list is in need
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 15:38:32 -0600

Jan Coffey wrote:

> However, you would think that if it's ok to raz someone claiming that
> they look pathetic becouse of something they did, why is it not ok to
> raz them back about looking pathetic becouse of something they did
> not do? (Namely get enough exercice for their caloric intake) Or if
> you prefer soemthing they did do, like eating too much for their
> level of physical activity.

You know, I'm a little touchy about this right now.  Maybe I shouldn't
be, but I am.

And it's not just the caloric intake and activity level -- my body is
*trying* to hang on to a chunk of the extra weight I gained while I was
pregnant, and will not probably not start dropping it until the babies
are 9 months old or so, if what happened after my first pregnancy is any
indication.  (This is related to the fact that I'm breastfeeding the
babies, which is a lot better for them in the long run, and was better
for *me* at least initially.)  And, dammit, I'm still hungry a lot --
hungry for stuff with the right nutrients to be making more milk for
them.  (At least I'm refraining from eating if I'm not hungry, and that
is a luxury I didn't have 6 months ago.)


Biology taking precedence over society. And take some solace in the fact that we can't escape biology.

Isn't that essentially the same answer some are giving about SSM (and SS activity in general)?

Insert Tab "A" Into Slot "B" Maru

-- Ronn! :)


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